
Are the Characters who die in Episode 5 of ‘Invincible’ truly dead?

Dive into the action with 'Invincible,' Prime's top animated series, which launched the second half of its second season this March.


The fifth episode of ‘Invincible’s’ second season has left fans full of questions. Titled “This Must Be a Shock,” the opening episode of this season’s second part hinted at the possible demise of two beloved superheroes.

Before you read on, be warned: spoilers from both the series and the comics lie ahead. Continue at your own risk, and don’t say we didn’t warn you.

So, who dies in Episode 5?

A majority of the Globe Guardians head into space to combat the Sequids, alien invaders from Mars aiming to colonize Earth. This leaves Rex Splode, Dupli-Kate, and Shrinking Rae at a distinct disadvantage back on our planet.

Amidst this imbalance, they face an attack from the Lizard League. Komodo Dragon gains the upper hand against the three Globe Guardians, aiming to defeat them individually.

First, he overpowers Dupli-Kate, defeating all her versions, including the last one. Then, he swallows Rae, who unsuccessfully attempts to grow from inside the dragon and dies. Rex Splode pleads for mercy from the Lizard King, who appears ready to finish off the already wounded and handicapped superhero.

Are Dupli-Kate and Shrinking Rae Really Dead?

There’s a cloud of uncertainty hanging over their fate. While many superheroes return from the dead, Shrinking Rae’s absence in the comics suggests she might not make a comeback in the series—a significant departure considering her more central role in Prime Video’s adaptation compared to her secondary position in the comics.

Dupli-Kate’s story, however, offers a glimmer of hope. In the comics, she returns to confront Multi-Paul, her twin brother.

Kate reveals she had always kept a copy of herself in a safe house, far away, in case all her other clones perished. Taking a break after her “death” allowed her to lead a normal life until her brother’s reign of terror forced her back into action.

Marcus Finch
Marcus Finch
From a young age, Marcus learned that life imitates art far more than art imitates life, a lesson that would see him become lover of stories of every kind.Today, Marcus dedicates his time to watching and loving every kind of show, from the high-brow artistry of foreign films to the raw emotion of indie series, and even the captivating allure of mainstream blockbusters, showing his readers how all the world's a stage, through the lens of everything from Shakespeare to the latest Amazon Prime drama.In a world constantly in search of meaning, Marcus shows us that sometimes, all the answers we seek can be found in the stories we tell on screen.

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